ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Radiomics, functional and biological imaging and outcome prediction

ESTRO 2024


This study is the first to present results of VBA analysis for the prediction of cognitive outcomes in children. In this patient population, VBA results are generally consistent with those of conventional DVH analyses. Moreover, VBA can reveal previously unrecognized functional subunits that may be implicated in radiation dose response. Contemporary tools like VBA have the potential to refine our understanding of dose response.

Keywords: outcome prediction, childhood cancer


1. Palma G, Monti S, Cella L. Voxel-based analysis in radiation oncology: A methodological cookbook. Phys Med. 2020 Jan;69:192-204.

2. Wilson LJ, Bryce-Atkinson A, Green A, Li Y, Merchant TE, van Herk M, Vasquez Osorio E, Faught AM, Aznar MC. Image based data mining applies to data collected from children. Phys Med. 2022 Jul;99:31-43.

3. Acharya S, Guo Y, Patni T, Li Y, Wang C, Gargone M, Ashford JM, Wilson L, Faught A, Reddick WE, Patay Z, Gajjar A, Conklin HM, Merchant TE. Association Between Brain Substructure Dose and Cognitive Outcomes in Children With Medulloblastoma Treated on SJMB03: A Step Toward Substructure-Informed Planning. J Clin Oncol. 2022 Jan 1;40(1):83-95.


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Role of modeled high-grade glioma cell invasion on tumor progression prediction after radiotherapy

Wille Häger 1,2 , Marta Lazzeroni 1,2 , Mehdi Astaraki 2,3 , Iuliana Toma-Dasu 1,2

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