ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Breast

ESTRO 2024

Keywords: Internal mammary node RT, Quality assurance


1 Offersen et al., ESTRO consensus guideline on target volume delineation for elective radiation therapy of early stage breast cancer, Radiother Oncol, 2015.

2 Offersen et al., ESTRO consensus guideline on target volume delineation for elective radiation therapy of early stage breast cancer, version 1.1., Radiother Oncol, 2016.

3 Refsgaard et al., End-to-end framework for automated collection of large multicentre radiotherapy datasets demonstrated in a Danish Breast Cancer Group cohort, Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol., 2023.



Real world data of cardiotoxicity following breast cancer irradiation in low risk Asian population

Wen Chi Yang 1,2,3 , Yu-Huan Chen 2 , Shi-Fan Lai 1,2 , Chia-Chun Wang 1,2,3 , Chun-Sheng Huang 4 , Sung-Hsin Kuo 1,2,3

1 National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 National Taiwan University Hospital, Division of Radiation Oncology, Department of Oncology, Taipei, Taiwan. 3 National Taiwan University, Graduate Institute of Oncology, Taipei, Taiwan. 4 National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of Surgery, Taipei, Taiwan


Adjuvant radiotherapy for patients with early-stage breast cancer has been associated with an increased risk of major cardiovascular disease (CVD) events and cardiac-related mortality. Nevertheless, it's crucial to note that the occurrence of CVD events is profoundly intertwined with the patient's underlying risk factors and systemic treatment. Existing large cohort studies have predominantly concentrated on regions with a high prevalence risk of CVD events. Consequently, there is a scarcity of information regarding the genuine incidence of major CVD events subsequent to breast and regional nodal irradiation in a relatively low-risk Asian population. Our primary objective is to offer the real-world experiences of CVD events in breast cancer survivors who have undergone radiotherapy in this specific population.


In a retrospective cohort study conducted in one institute in Taiwan, we focused on patients with early-stage breast cancer who underwent adjuvant radiotherapy for breast and regional nodes from November 2003 to November 2014. Certain exclusion criteria were applied, which encompassed patients with bilateral breast cancer who had

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