ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Breast

ESTRO 2024

98.62%] respectively. The 5-year distant metastasis-free survival was 96.36%, 95%CI [90.58%-98.62%], and the 5 year overall survival was 97.52%, 95%CI [92.52%-99.20%]. There were 6 patients who developed local failures, 3 patients in the suitable group, and another 3 patients in the cautionary group. All of them are in-field failures located superficial to the tumor bed less than 1 cm from the skin dermis. Local control based on patient classification (suitable, cautionary, unsuitable) subgroup was performed. The 5-year local control for suitable group and cautionary group were 98.46%, 95%CI [89.58%-99.78%], and 97.50%, 95%CI [83.55-99.64], respectively. However, no events were observed in unsuitable subgroups, 5-year local control 100% [no event]


IORT with electron beams could be used as an alternative treatment in favorable early-stage breast cancer patients. However, it should be applied with caution, and pre-excision criteria should be set to exclude unsuitable patients.

Keywords: IORT, APBI


Digital Poster

Factors associated with uptake of an optional breast radiotherapy physiotherapy exercise class

Fiona Wilson 1,2 , Carmel Anandadas 1

1 Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Oncology, Manchester, United Kingdom. 2 University of Manchester, Radiotherapy Related Research, Manchester, United Kingdom


As many as two in three women experience arm or shoulder symptoms at 3 years after breast cancer treatment (1). The 2023 UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend information on upper limb exercises is provided to breast cancer patients and consideration of enhanced support to those at highest risk. In addition to individual physiotherapy available for those experiencing symptoms, all breast radiotherapy patients treated at our centre are eligible to attend a group physiotherapist-led class. The class includes demonstration of upper limb exercises and lymphoedema education. We aimed to evaluate how many patients attend this class and if there were any demographic or treatment factors associated with attendance.


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