ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
S5282 ESTRO 2024 status. These effects were not observed with radiation alone or in combination with other DDR inhibitors, for example the brain penetrant PARP inhibitor pamiparib. Cognitive behavioural studies, performed using novel object recognition testing of treated mice, provided evidence of RT-induced cognitive decline that persisted up to 6 months after irradiation. Preliminary experiments indicate that addition of AZD1390 to RT caused an initial exacerbation of cognitive dysfunction (at 1 week), which was also observed at the 2-month timepoint. Importantly, and despite the initial exacerbation of symptoms, the cognitive performance of mice treated with RT and AZD1390 was indistinguishable from control animals at later timepoints (up to 6 months), in contrast to RT-only subjects. Radiobiology - Normal tissue radiobiology
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