ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Radiobiology - Tumour biology

ESTRO 2024

Parenchymal and vascular remodeling and inflammatory tissue reactions have been reported to occur during the development of radionecrosis and may be influenced by the various factors mentioned above. Importantly, no studies on brain metastases are currently available.


This systematic review identified various factors that significantly affect the induction of radionecrosis, including dose, irradiated volume, younger age, species, and strain in animal models. It further discusses possible reasons for the difference in development of radionecrosis, such as irradiation schedules, brain architecture, irradiated location, tissue characteristics, and inflammatory responses. The current state of research on radionecrosis neglects the utilization of animal models of brain tumors, even though patients with brain malignancies constitute the largest group receiving brain irradiation. This latter aspect should be primarily addressed in the development of an experimental radionecrosis model for translational implementation. Furthermore, we conducted this systematic review with the aim of facilitating the development of new models to investigate tumor-specific effects on radionecrosis consistent with the 3Rs principles by pooling existing data to reduce the need for new animal studies and better target future experiments.

Keywords: brain metastases, radionecrosis, radiobiology

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