ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Breast
ESTRO 2024
equivocal cases. However, it was associated with both false positives and false negatives in our series and this should be borne in mind when counselling patients regarding subsequent surgical intervention.
Keywords: Brain metastases, MRI CCA, TRAMs
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Cosmetic outcome after APBI using intraoperative or external beam radiotherapy (NTR2931)
Jetske L.B. Gunster 1,2 , Daphne H.M. Jacobs 3 , Mirjam E. Mast 3 , Ursula Fisscher 3 , Anna L. Petoukhova 4 , Gabrielle Speijer 5 , Marieke Straver 6 , Jos Merkus 7 , Corrie A.M. Marijnen 1,2 , Antoinette Verbeek-de Kanter 3 , Astrid N. Scholten 1
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