ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Patient care, preparation, immobilisation and IGRT verification protocols

ESTRO 2024


Surface guided technology is proven to be an appropriate DIBH surrogate for postmastectomy left breast cancer patient. However, delicate observation and care are crucial especially for cardiac reproducibility to ensure dosimetric effective treatment quality.

Keywords: Mastectomy DIBH, SGRT, Treatment accuracy


1. Lu W , Li G , Hong L , et al. Reproducibility of chestwall and heart position using surface-guided versus RPM-guided DIBH radiotherapy for left breast cancer. J appl Clin Med Phys.2023 ; 24 ; e13755.

2. Rossi M , Laaksomaa M , Aula A , et al. Patient setup accuracy in DIBH radiotherapy of breast cancer with lymph node inclusion using surface tracking and image guidance.Med Dosim.2022 ; 47 ; 146-150.

3. Tang XL , Zagar TM , Bair E , et al. Clinical experience with 3-dimensional surface matching-based deep inspiration breath hold for left-sided breast cancer radiation therapy.2014 ; 4 ; e151-e158.

4. Xin X , Li J , Zhao YQ , et al. Retrospective Study on Left-Sided Breast Radiotherapy: Dosimetric Results and Correlation with Physical Factors for Free Breathing and Breath Hold Irradiation Techniques.Technol Cancer Res Treat.2021 ; 20 ; 15330338211062429.

5. Zagar TM , Kaidar O , Tang XL , et al. Utility of Deep Inspiration Breath Hold for Left-Sided Breast Radiation Therapy in Preventing Early Cardiac Perfusion Defects: A Prospective Study.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.2017 ; 97 ; 903-909.


Poster Discussion

Inter-arc position verification during single-fraction 34 Gy lung SBRT is necessary.

C.C.H. Warmerdam, E. Astreinidou, S.N. van der Windt, E.J.F. van Reij, S. Gobets

LUMC, Radiotherapy, Leiden, Netherlands


To evaluate the intrafraction (IF) and intra-arc (IA) motion of pulmonary tumors during a 34 Gy, single fraction Flattening Filter Free (FFF) stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) treatment, based on online Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).

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