ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Breast

ESTRO 2024

5.1±0.6/5.3±0.9 Gy for TD and TH respectively, that is included in the range of DIBH for the left lung (0.59-14.9 Gy). Also for LAD, the mean values were 4.3±3.7/5.0±3.5 Gy and 5.0±1.4/4.7±1.9 Gy for TD and TH respectively, that falls within the reported range (0.4-9.4 Gy). Results were also comparable in terms of near maximum dose (D 0.03cc ).


Results clearly show that the dosimetric values, obtained with the new algorithm VOLO TM Ultra of TPS Precision v.3 for Radixact and TomoTherapy systems, are largely comparable with dosimetry to OARs obtained by the DIBH technique reported in the literature, while maintaining target coverage. TD and TH treatments in free breathing may be a good alternative to DIBH when it is not appliable or not available. Moreover, this goal can be enhanced by the use of surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT) during treatment delivery.

Keywords: VOLO Ultra, Heart dose, DIBH


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