ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Patient experience and quality of life

ESTRO 2024

Keywords: SABR, Prostate, PROMS


[1] T. A C, P. Ostler, H. van der Voet, W. Chu, A. Loblaw, D. Ford, S. Tolan, S. Jain, A. Martin, J. Staffurth, J. Armstrong, P. Camilleri, K. Kancherla, J. Frew, A. Chan, I. Dayes, A. Duffton, D. Brand, D. Henderson, K. Morrison, S. Brown and J. Pugh, "Intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer (PACE-B): 2 year toxicity results from an open-label, randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial," Lancet Oncology, vol. Oct 23, no. 10, pp. 1308-1320, 2022.


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Identify the level of anxiety and depression experienced in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy

Yuen Nee Yvonne LOH, Bonan Zhang, Wennie Song

National University Health System, Radiation Oncology, Singapore, Singapore


Background - Cancer is a leading cause of death in Singapore, accounting for 28.6% of deaths in 2020 [1]. Although incidence and mortality rates have decreased in recent years with the improvement in technology, cancer patients still experience levels of mental and psychological stress during their treatment journey. Distress from cancer and radiotherapy is highly common; more than half of patients with cancer experience a certain level of psychological distress [2-5]. This commonly manifests as anxiety or depression, followed by adjustment problems and post traumatic stress [6,7]. The overwhelming emotions associated with cancer diagnoses, compounded with the relentless influx of medical appointments often cause distress in patients. Fears of radiation treatment, potential side effects, as well as worries regarding treatment effectiveness tend to plague most patients, with 60% having reported significant anxiety prior to treatment [8]. Psychological disorders in cancer patients are associated with reduced quality of life and have a negative impact on treatment compliance [9].

Aim - This study is to determine the prevalence and etiology of anxiety and depression in cancer patients that can affect their general and mental well-being during the course of radiation therapy treatment.


Eligible patients will be identified from the list of patients who have consented for a course of radiation therapy treatment via hospital EPIC system appointment scheduling. The participants will be approached by the study team during the day of their CT-SIM procedures. The study and administration of questionnaires will be clearly explained to the patients. The patients who are keen to participate in the study will be bring to a consultation room in a closed door outpatient clinic setting where privacy and comfort will be ensured and free from intrusion. The questionnaire has two parts which comprise of demographics information and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire was utilized to assess and measure the level of anxiety and depression respectively. The survey will be carried out through an online survey platform by clicking on the hyperlink via a

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