ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Patient experience and quality of life

ESTRO 2024

Previous analyses of toxicity assessment and recording by RTs demonstrated a strong agreement with Oncologist scores. This work now highlights the quality and value of our profession’s contribution to real-world patient assessments and outcomes reporting over more than a decade. It would seem however, that after 10 years the process of routine toxicity assessment should be refreshed with the frontline RTs to ensure continued compliance and incorporate new toxicity collection methods such as patient reported outcome or quality of life measures.

Keywords: Prostate cancer, Acute toxicity


Proffered Paper

Patient involvement in the design and implementation of the PREHABS study

Carole Burnett 1,2,3 , Janine C Bestall 4 , Shaunna Burke 5 , Jenny Hewison 4 , Emma Morgan 1,2 , Rachael L Murray 6 , Raymond Pawson 7 , Andy Sloss 7 , Sam Greenwood-Wilson 1,2 , Gillian F Williams 1,8 , Kevin N Franks 1,8 1 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds Cancer Centre, Leeds, United Kingdom. 2 University of Leeds, Leeds Institute of Medical Research, Leeds, United Kingdom. 3 Leeds NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds, United Kingdom. 4 University of Leeds, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, Leeds, United Kingdom. 5 University of Leeds, School of Biomedical Sciences, Leeds, United Kingdom. 6 University of Nottingham, Academic Unit of Lifespan and Population Health, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 7 Patient Representative, Patient Representative, Leeds, United Kingdom. 8 University of Leeds, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Leeds, United Kingdom


New treatments and interventions are developed to improve patient outcomes, typically increasing the chance of cure or prolonging overall survival. They should be designed with the wellbeing of the patient in mind, but do we consider the patient’s point of view with regards to priority and acceptance? Patients should be involved with clinical service development, research design and implementation 1 . However, patient involvement can sit on a continuum from a “tick box" exercise to co-design and production. Funders now mandate the requirement of meaningful patient involvement as a requite for funding eligibility 2 .

Understanding potential barriers and facilitators to patient acceptance of new interventions allows for efficient and effective research evaluation and deployment of new services 3,4 .

Advances in radiotherapy technology for lung cancer patients have improved patient outcomes 5-7 . However, these patients commonly present with multiple comorbidities 8 . Optimising the health of these patients before, during and after radiotherapy could result in reduced side effects and improved outcomes. The Yorkshire Cancer Research funded PREHABS study is a feasibility project to understand whether it is practical to embed lifestyle behavioural change support into the clinical pathway of patients undergoing curative radiotherapy for lung cancer. Patients were involved in all stages of the project, from design to dissemination to ensure that the proposed interventions were acceptable to the intended patient audience.

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