ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Patient experience and quality of life

ESTRO 2024

difficult) to 7 (very easy). The SEQ score was used to measure the usability of the application and ranges (worst imaginable) to 100 (best imaginable).


A total of 39 patients completed the questionnaire, of whom 32 (82.1%) had a smartphone device, and 59% could use their smartphones with minimal to no help. The majority of the participants (79.5%, n=31) found the introduction of the radiotherapy application beneficial, while the rest were either not sure or did not find it useful. Based on these findings, we deemed the development of the mobile application as feasible. The final radiotherapy application consisted of 4 main screens, as shown in Fig 1A. The "My journey" screen provided information on the current status of the treatment (Fig 1B), the "Appointments screen" provided information on the upcoming appointments (Fig 1C), the "My symptoms" screen was designed to record the treatment side-effects (Fig 1D), and the "Information" screen was designed provided information about prostate cancer, the treatment process, and the radiotherapy department (Fig. 1E).

Figure 1: Print screens illustrating the various features of the mobile application prototype

The healthcare professionals provided a mean SEQ and SUS score of 6.83 and 95, respectively, while the patients provided a mean SEQ and SUS of 6.79 and 93, respectively.


Healthcare professionals and patients found the mobile application easy to use and greatly beneficial. Our mobile application provides a viable tool to support prostate cancer patients. However, further research is essential to evaluate the application's long-term effects on patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. Our future service enhancements will encompass the creation of a web-based system, seamless integration with electronic health records, and the implementation of advanced data analytics tools.

Keywords: Prostate Cancer, Mobile application, Support

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