ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Patient experience and quality of life

ESTRO 2024

cancer disease process. It was explained to the women that the final objective of the study is to produce specific information guides for them.


Preliminary results of this study included 150 semi-structured interviews were conducted with women breast cancer survivors. 62% of these women came from rural areas, half of them were normal weight, with a bachelor's degree or university education in 78% of the cases. Most of the women reported a change in their lives after diagnosis towards a significantly healthier lifestyle. Some of them had already received information about chemical pollutant exposure throughout the disease course, although they were interested in getting this information through guides and information documents provided by professional specialists in this area.


This innovative mixed-methods approach of the present study provides a new point of view in relation to potential informative interventions in women with breast cancer. The demand for information about chemical exposure and lifestyles in women with breast cancer is elevated and it justifies the relevance of the elaboration of specific guidelines to address this need.

Keywords: chemical pollutants, perception, empowerment


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