ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Treatment planning, OAR and target definitions

ESTRO 2024

Replanning rates varied widely between IMPT and IMRT patients. As predicted, the majority of IMPT cases required a replan in order to maintain target volume coverage and acceptable non-critical OAR doses. This has workload implications for both the treating site and for external trial QA with the aim to maintain continued protocol compliance throughout the trial. A mid-treatment scan at week 3 is justified as an integral procedure for IMPT in oropharyngeal cancer. Additional factors such as increased dose to airway or to other OARs could be included as additional criteria for triggering a replan

Keywords: Quality Assurance, protons, head & neck


1. Thomson DJ, Cruickshank C, Baines H, Banner R, Beasley M, Betts G et al. TORPEdO: A phase III trial of intensity modulated proton beam therapy versus intensity-modulated radiotherapy for multi-toxicity reduction in oropharyngeal cancer. Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology. 2023;38:147-154

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