ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Treatment planning, OAR and target definitions

ESTRO 2024

1 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Radiotherapy, Sutton, United Kingdom. 2 The Institute of Cancer Research, Radiotherapy and Imaging, Sutton, United Kingdom. 3 The Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research, Joint department of physics, Sutton, United Kingdom


Online adaptive radiotherapy (oART) creates and delivers a new treatment plan for every fraction, offering opportunity to reduce uncertainty by accounting for anatomical changes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gives superior soft-tissue visualisation compared to computed tomography, boosting confidence to deliver ultra hypofractionated regimes [1] . For prostate cancer (PCa) the dosimetric benefit of moderately-hypofractionated MRI guided adaptive RT (MRIgART) is not evident for all [2] . This work investigates the dosimetric value of daily MRIgART in patients receiving ultra hypofractionated PCa RT and the impact of organ at risk (OAR) volume on this.


Ten patients who received ultra-hypofractionated radiotherapy (36.25Gy in 5-fractions) on the Unity MR-linac (MRL) (Elekta, Stokholm, Sweden) were retrospectively investigated. All were treated with oART [3] . At each fraction a T2 weighted MRI was acquired for replanning (MRI session ). Next the prostate, seminal vesicles and proximal OAR structures were contoured by a clinical oncologist competent in MRI delineation. A second T2w MRI (MRI verification ) was acquired at the latter stages of plan optimisation to confirm prostate position before treatment. Translational deviations, seen on MRI verification , were corrected before treatment if the prostate had moved ≥3mm i.e., outside the smallest PTV margin. Offline, therapeutic radiographers (RTT) with MRL contouring competency refined the rectum, bladder, urethra, penile bulb, femoral heads and external contours on MRI session . This step created anatomically accurate OAR volumes; online adequate OAR volumes were accepted. Structure volumes were copied to the corresponding MRI verification , and the prostate, seminal vesicle and OAR contours edited to accurately represent patient’s anatomy. Target structures including CTVpsv_4000 (prostate plus 1cm of proximal seminal vesicles) and PTVpsv_3625 (CTVpsv_4000 plus 5mm/3mm posteriorly) were generated. Patients’ reference plans were reoptimised on the edited MRI session anatomy in Monaco (V5.40.01, Elekta, Stokholm, Sweden), PACE_C clinical goals were applied [4] . Where necessary target coverage was compromised to meet mandatory OAR constraints. MRI session plans were then recalculated (but not adapted) on the anatomy of the corresponding MRI verification , to give a truer representation of delivered dose. To mimic a non-adapted online IGRT treatment, reference scans were rigidly registered to the prostate on the contoured MRI verification images. The reference plan was re-calculated (but not adapted) on the MRI verification anatomy. Plan groups are named:

• Session (reference plan adapted to MRI session anatomy) • Verification (session plan recalculated on MRI verification anatomy) • Not-adapted (reference plan recalculated on MRI verification anatomy)

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