ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Treatment planning, OAR and target definitions

ESTRO 2024

evaluation, RTOG 4-5, Pivotal 3-3 and Mirada 7-4 required relevant (major) or minor correction overall. The use of the two software significantly shortened the contouring time of the prostate lymph node by an average of 1.5 minutes, compared to manual segmentation, which required an average of 9 minutes. In addition, it was observed that the auto-segmentation usually produced the same deviations compared to our own institute's contouring guidelines, so the correction could be carried out in a more targeted manner, which further reduces the time needed to correct the contour.Mvison can perform segmentation based on two international protocols (RTOG and Pivotal). In our experience, the model following European guidelines required less correction.


Auto-segmentation (DLC) models based on deep learning significantly reduced the time required for contouring, as they segment the pelvic lymph node region with a good approximation. We found an excellent and good match between the three models, overall the MVision Pivotal model requires the least amount of modification.

Keywords: DLC, AI, contouring


* Mirada Medical Ltd., Oxford, United Kingdom

** MVison AI, Helsinki, Finland

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