ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Breast

ESTRO 2024

pregnancy, of which two had two, for a total of nine pregnancies. Two pregnancies were not carried to term at the mother's choice - this involved only one woman who underwent two voluntary terminations of pregnancy. No spontaneous abortions occurred. Eutocic delivery occurred in five cases, while with caesarean delivery in the remaining four cases. Delivery occurred on average at the 38th week (range 37-39 weeks). In no case were there any foetal or birth complications. Among the seven women who became pregnant, six had a natural pregnancy, while only one had a pregnancy via assisted reproductive technology with egg donation. Within our group of seven women that had pregnancy, four (57%) previously received postoperative radiation therapy. Overall, sixteen underwent radiation therapy treatment; at time of the present analysis, we recorded only one local recurrence (3%).

Table 1. Cohort baseline characteristics.



Age at diagnosis, median (range)

34 years (27-40)

Menarche, median (range)

13 years (12-14)

Body Mass Index, median (range)

22.0 (20.8-23.4)

Duration of endocrine therapy, median (range)

5 years (3.7-5.0)

Oestro-progestinic therapy (%)

8 (25)

Infertility treatments (%)

0 (0)

Previous gynaecological surgery

3 (9)

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (%)

6 (18)

Adjuvant chemotherapy (%)

22 (69)

Cyclophosphamide-containing schedule (%)

24 (75)

Platinum-containing schedule (%)

0 (0)

Mastectomy (%)

20 (63)

Breast Conserving surgery (%)

12 (4)

Whole breast irradiation (%)

6 (18)

Tumour Bed Boost (%)

5 (16)

Chest wall irradiation (%)

3 (9)

Regional nodal irradiation (%)

7 (22)

Endocrine therapy (%)

20 (63)

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