ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Breast

ESTRO 2024


A score combining hemoglobin concentration at baseline and quantitative information on the individual microvascular health predicts the risk of moderate-severe erythema after breast radiotherapy before any planning in a clinical setting where the dose to the skin is already well limited and optimized. These data suggest an interaction of compromised microvasculature with repair mechanisms. We plan to widen the clinical utility of the loco-systemic microvascular health characterization, testing it against the prediction of severe reactions (impacting the Quality-of-Life of BCa patients for a long time) and of chronic symptoms. The proposed score shows a high sensitivity and specificity for exceptionally responding patients (i.e., lowest and highest quartiles of radiation sensitivity). It allows us to classify these more outlier patients correctly, and it could be exploited in different cancer districts, boosting the personalization of predictive models and tailoring to the single-patient functional status.

Keywords: Cardiovascular Health, Model, Skin reactions


Acknowledgements This work was supported by the AIRC Investigator Grant, no. IG21479.


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