ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Invited Speaker

ESTRO 2024


Overview of guidance and recommendations for skin radiotherapy

Artur Jan Chyrek

Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Brachytherapy, Poznan, Poland. Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Electroradiology, Poznan, Poland


The concept of non-melanoma skin cancer in the era of personalized radio-oncology seems to be at least archaic, mostly due to the distinct biology of the tumors in this group. It translates into different courses of the disease and distinct responses to treatment with ionizing radiation. This lecture presents the latest interdisciplinary recommendations regarding the two most common skin cancers - basal (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).We will find out what are currently considered cancers with a high risk of recurrence, where we can use radiotherapy as primary treatment, and why it is still considered inferior to surgery. We will also try to find out whether there is an optimal dose fractionation and method of radiotherapy.


Overview of needs and status of near real-time adaptive particle therapy

Christian Richter

OncoRay - National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, Medical Radiation Physics, Dresden, Germany. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay, Dresden, Germany. Technische Universiät Dresden, Faculty of Medicine, Dresden, Germany


In this overview talk the following questions will be addressed:

• What is the status concerning fast adaptations in particle therapy also in relation to photon therapy? • Why we need online-adaptive particle therapy (OAPT)? • What are different approaches also in relation to different adaption speed? • What are the different imaging approaches for OAPT? • How can we verify the treatment delivery when no pre-treatment phantom QA is performed? • What is the role of AI-based decision support? • What initiatives exist on national and international level? Where do we stand?


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