ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - CNS
ESTRO 2024
developing brain edema and radionecrosis after SRS for each 1 cm³ of tumor volume by 33% and 28 %, respectively (HR = 1.33, CI 0.95 = (1.21; 1.46), p < 0.001), (HR = 1.28, CI 0.95 = (1.13; 1.46), p < 0.001). Among patients with tumor volumes above the median (2.05 cm³), the risk of toxicity following SRS was significantly higher, both for brain edema (HR = 9.70, CI 0.95 = (2.90; 32.40), p < 0.001) and radionecrosis (HR = 13.34, CI 0.95 = (1.73; 102.80), p = 0.013).
Stereotactic radiotherapy (nFSRT and hSRT) and radio surgery (SRS) are safe treatments for intracranial meningiomas. It is advisable that single-shot radio surgery should be avoided for meningiomas larger than 2 cm³.
Keywords: Meningiomas, Radiosurgery, Radionecrosis
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Hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfunction after irradiation for brain and head and neck cancers
John MJ Paulissen, Catharina ML Zegers, Ruud M Houben, David Hofstede, Danielle BP Eekers
Maastro, Radiotherapy, Maastricht, Netherlands
Purpose: Radiotherapy treatment for head and neck, brain and skull base tumors may deliver a significant radiation dose to the hypothalamo-pituitary axis (HPA), leading to insufficient functioning of the pituitary gland and hence, to endocrine problems. The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate literature on HPA dysfunction in adult patients after irradiation for non-pituitary head and neck, brain or skull base tumors.
Methods: Literature search of the PubMed database was performed for HPA insufficiency after radiotherapy for head and neck, brain and skull base tumors in adult patients. The search was based on a previously published search strategy by Appelman-Dijkstra in 2011 [1]. Full text articles were assessed by two independent reviewers, using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Publications were eligible for inclusion if they met the following criteria: 1) papers in English, 2) patients over 17 years of age at the time of radiotherapy, 3) radiation of primary brain tumors or cerebral metastasis, skull base tumors and head and neck malignancies, with dose on the HP-axis, 4) radiation dose information available, 5) information on follow-up time available, 6) information on endocrine effects after cranial irradiation available. Exclusion criteria were defined as 1) radiotherapy on the pituitary gland, 2) radiotherapy for pituitary adenomas, 3) radiotherapy on endocrine glands with effect on HPA, 4) single case reports, 5) animal studies, 6) radiotherapy planning studies, 7) non-radiotherapy related publications. Information on other
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