ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - CNS

ESTRO 2024


Conventionally fractionated radiotherapy along with concurrent temozolamide can be instituted for multi-focal gliomas like unifocal gliomas, even in recurrent/re-irraditaion circumstances. Prognosis is guarded and further research on increased number of patients will highlight the impact of brain to PTV ratio on possible immediate deterioration and possibly define a cut off for safely delivering radiotherapy in multifocal setting.

Keywords: multi-focal gliomas, memory disturbances


1. Daniel Felix Fleischmann, Rudolph Schön, Stefanie Corradini, Raphael Bodensohn, Indrawati Hadi, Jan Hofmaier et al. Multifocal high-grade glioma radiotherapy safety and efficacy. Radiation Oncology 2021, 16(1):165


Poster Discussion

Two-level mixed effect model to predict image changes after proton therapy of brain tumours

Anne Vestergaard 1 , Jesper Kallehauge 1 , Aida Muhic 2 , Jonathan Frederik Carlsen 3 , Rikke Dahlrot 4,5 , Slavka Lukacova 6 , Charlotte Haslund 7 , Rasin Worawongsakul 8 , Morten Høyer 1 1 Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. 2 Department of Oncology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. 3 Department of Radiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. 4 Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark. 5 Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. 6 Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. 7 Department of Oncology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark. 8 Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand


Contrast-enhanced brain lesions on T1 MRI scans have previously been reported after proton therapy of brain tumours. It has been suggested that the image changes (IC) are associated with a high prescribed dose, high linear energy transfer (LET) and proximity to the periventricular zone (PVZ). This study seeks to confirm these findings in a consecutive group of patients treated for glioma with pencil beam scanning (PBS). The Inclusion of patient-specific parameters will be explored.


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