ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - CNS

ESTRO 2024

Figure 2: Mean lesion quotients for 3-dimensional volumetric calculation and simple linear measurement calculations. A ratio of greater than 0.2 appears to be an exclusion value for exclusive radiation necrosis in both 3D volumetric and simple calculation methods.


A low lesion quotient appears to be a promising MRI parameter to diagnose presence of RN following SRS for brain metastasis(es) and to guide subsequent clinical management. Simple volume calculation using maximal linear measurements is a feasible and efficient method to determine this ratio in busy clinical practices compared to the more time-consuming 3D volumetric assessment. A lesion quotient of above 0.2 may be an exclusion criterion for presence of exclusive RN. Further large-scale data is required to validate this parameter.

Keywords: Radiation necrosis, Stereotactic radiosurgery


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