ESTRO 35 2016
small fields and challenges in multicentre comparison of
gamma analysis for complex dose distributions.
Overall, the IAEA supports developments of various audit
tools for radiotherapy with the audit scope corresponding to
the evolving complexity of radiotherapy technology, in order
to verify radiotherapy physics practices and improve the
quality of treatments delivered to cancer patients in
participating countries.
Symposium: Strategies for treatment planning
Comparisons of treatment planning with photons and
M. Enmark
Skåne University Hospital, Department of Radiation Physics,
Lund, Sweden
, I. Kristensen
, C. Vallhagen Dahlgren
Skandionkliniken, Uppsala, Sweden
This presentation will focus on the main differences between
the radiotherapy treatment planning with photons and
protons. An important issue in all treatment planning is the
dosimetric uncertainties and margins to account for these.
Compared to photons, protons have additional sources of
uncertainties that should be analysed and understood.
Insufficient quantification of margins can have more serious
consequences in proton therapy than is the case for photons.
The main advantage of proton beams is the finite range and
sharp distal dose fall off in depth, an advantage that often is
a contradiction in the sense that the range uncertainty limits
the use of this advantage. A second advantage is the ability
to, with every single field, give the target volume a higher
dose than the surrounding tissue. The sources of range
uncertainties are caused by the patient variations in anatomy
and the uncertainties in the conversion of CT numbers to
tissues with the correct proton interaction properties. The
handling of range uncertainties play a critical role in proton
planning and has an impact on the entire treatment planning
process that differs from photons.
The generic PTV margin recipes used in photon planning, are
not adequate in proton planning. Primarily, this is used to
account for lateral beam uncertainties. In proton planning,
two margins have to be considered, the lateral and the
margin in depth i.e. range uncertainty. In principle, these
two margins arises from different physical processes.
According to ICRU 78 [1] the PTVs are recommended to be
used in proton planning for dose reporting purposes.
Additional volumes with beam specific margins, have to be
used to account for uncertainties in range. Paganetti has
suggested margin recipes that is widely used in proton
planning [2].
Consequently, the range uncertainty also has an influence on
the selection of beam and their entry angles. In this phase of
the treatment planning process, proton planning emphasizes
other considerations than photons. Robust planning has the
potential of mitigate the impact of range uncertainties,
aiming for a robust beam path i.e. heterogeneous geometry
along the beam path. Likewise, the robustness should be
considered during the optimization as well as during the
treatment plan evaluation and the comparison with a photon
treatment plan to choose the best treatment plan.
The contents of this presentation are based on experiences
from the start-up of the first Scandinavian Proton Centre,
Skandionkliniken, where the first patients were treated in
late august 2015. Nearly four years before that, in January
2012, we started the Proton School in order to prepare for
the clinical start and to train a group of medical physicists,
dosimetrists and radiation oncologists in proton planning
[3,4]. Thinking protons instead of photons has been the
greatest challenge for the group as a whole.
How do we
achieve the best plan?
This includes selecting robust beam
angles and thinking about what the protons interact with on
its way to the target volume. Discussions about target
volumes has been frequent, as the use of them. Delineation
is a major issue, not only for CTV/PTV but for other
structures the protons might interact with in its beam path,
as well as optimisation structures to provide the best
treatment plan.
1. ICRU Vol 7 No 2 (2007) Report 78, PRESCRIBING,
2. Paganetti, H. (2012) “Range uncertainties in proton
therapy and the role of Monte Carlo simulations.” Phys Med
Biol; 57
3. Kristensen I, Vallhagen Dahlgren C, Nyström H. (2013)
“Treatment planning training for a large group in
geographically spread centres”, ESTRO 2013, abstract PO-
4. Vallhagen Dahlgren C, Kristensen I, Nyström H, Nyström P
W, Bäck A, Granlund U, Josefsson D, Medin J. (2013), “Proton
treatment planning for beginners - to build up the
competence and skills in a multi-centre environment”,
PTCOG 2013, abstract P304
When to re-plan: a practical perspective
B. Bak
Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Department of
Radiotherapy, Poznan, Poland
Anatomical changes are important issue during radiotherapy
because they could potentially lead to inadequate dose
distribution to target and organs at risk (OAR). Radiation
induced complications have a significant adverse impact on
health-related quality of life. To minimize the risk adaptive
radiotherapy (ART) has become state of art of modern
radiotherapy. In clinical practice ART is expressed mostly by
Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and re-planning, the
last is very individualized but should be more unified. Clear
guidelines are therefore needed to determine the timing of
re-planning, and an increasing amount of information needs
to be acquainted, transferred and stored.
There are several indications that anatomic changes are more
pronounced in the first half of treatment, and therefore
repeated imaging and replanning should be performed in this
first time period.The parotid gland was the most studied OAR
and showed the largest volume changes during radiotherapy
(26% average volume decrease). The average number of
radiation fractions delivered between baseline and re-
planning CT scans was 15 (±5) fractions which equals 21 (±8)
days. It is also well established in the Head and neck (H&N)
area that, because of i.e. weight loss and/or tumor shrinkage
especially in more advanced stages of cancer (T3/T4, large
N+), re-planning improves relapse–free survival and
significantly alleviated the late effects. In many dosimetric
studies without replanning during treatment, the doses to
normal structures were significantly increased and doses to
target volume significantly decreased. According to literature
replanning frequency increases also with smaller PTV
To answer the question „When to re-plan?” we need to know
which sites would most benefit. In regard to literature
studies it seems that re-plan would be the most beneficial for
tumors of the biggest volume or the nearest proximity of the
OAR’s. Still it does not explain „when” should we perform it.
Despite of the great amount of reports and analysis further
research are needed.
Fully automated treatment planning: benefits and
potential pitfalls
E. Damen
Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Hospital, Radiotherapy Department, Amsterdam, The
, R. De Graaf
, R. Glorie
, J. Knegjens
, C. Van
Labor-intensive procedures, such as
adaptive radiotherapy, result in an increased workload in the
treatment planning department, which can be reduced by
introducing fully automated treatment planning. The benefits
of automated planning are many: reduction of workload,
increased workflow efficiency, and reduction of plan
variability. However, a potential pitfall could be loss of