ESTRO 35 Programme book & Exhibition guide


ESTRO VISION 2020 Every cancer patient in Europe will have access to state of the art radiation therapy, as part of a multidisciplinary approach where treatment is individualised for the specific patient’s cancer, taking account of the patient’s personal circumstances. ESTROMISSION Founded in 1980, ESTRO is a non-profit scientific organisation whose role is to foster, in all its aspects, radiation oncology, clinical oncology and related subjects, including physics as applied to radiotherapy, radiation technology and radiobiology. To fulfill its purpose, ESTRO promotes education, science, research and access to radiotherapy through its teaching courses, workshops, meetings, publications and public affairs activities. ESTRO SCHOOL The ESTRO School has become an internationally recognised provider of high- quality education in radiotherapy and oncology and has developed a wide array of educational activities: • Live teaching courses covering basic and continuing medical educational needs of all professionals working in the field of (radiation) oncology • Pre-meeting teaching courses, workshops, teaching lectures and tumour boards during congresses • Live and online workshops courses with FALCON (Fellowship in Anatomic The ESTRO School promotes multidisciplinary education in oncology, basic science, physics and technology, imaging, and interdisciplinary oncology, with the objective of standardising knowledge and clinical practice, whilst recognising the diversity of radiation oncology practice in different parts of the world. In 2016, the ESTRO School is organising 36 live courses (29 in Europe and 7 outside Europe) and two undergraduate courses. More information on the 2016 course programme on deLineation and CONtouring), the online delineation tool • Hands-on experience through mobility grants programme.



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