ESTRO 36 Programme book and exhibition guide
SYMPOSIUMWITH PROFFERED PAPERS Novel approaches in prostate tumour control 10:30 - 11:30 | LEHAR 4
This symposium on prostate cancer will shed light on several fundamental characteristics similarly important in other tumour types. The presenters will discuss intra- and inter-patient heterogeneity in terms of clinical response and genetics, define the genetics of aggressive localised sporadic prostate cancer with particular focus on BRCA2 mutated prostate cancers and other genes of DNA damage response and DNA repair pathways in localised and metastatic prostate cancer, outline how the tumour microenvironment impacts on prognosis and prostate cancer genetics, and, finally, discuss the status and the development of novel prognostic and predictive factors for prostate cancer precision medicine.
Chair: N. Cordes (Germany) Co-chair: G. Goldner (Austria)
10:30 > State of the art in prostate tumour radiobiology C. Peitzsch (Germany)
10:55 > Novel developments in molecular targeting of prostate cancer R. Bristow (Canada) 11:20 > Cytokine-dependent regulation of prostate cancer stem cell maintenance in response to irradiation C. Peitzsch (Germany), M. Baumbach, M. Cojoc, L. Hein, I. Kurth, M. Baumann, M. Krause, A. Dubrovska
PROFFERED PAPERS New technologies for imaging and therapy
10:30 - 11:30 | STRAUS 2-3 Chair: T. Knöös (Sweden) Chair: M.d.C. Lopes (Portugal)
10:30 > Scatter imaging: promising modality for image guided ablation radiotherapy for lung cancer patients J. Chu (USA), G. Redler, G. Cifter, K. Jones, J. Turian 10:40 > The impact of a 1.5 T MR-Linac fringe field on neighbouring linear accelerators. T. Perik (The Netherlands), J. Kaas, F. Wittkamper 10:50 > Treating patients with Dynamic Wave Arc: first clinical experience M. Burghelea (Belgium), D. Verellen, J. Dhont, C. Hung, K. Poels, R. Van den Begin, M. Boussaer, K. Tournel, C. Jaudet, T. Reynders, T. Gevaert, V. Simon, M. De Ridder
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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