ESTRO 36 Programme book and exhibition guide
SYMPOSIUM Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) in radiotherapy 16:45 - 17:45 | STOLZ 1-2
Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) describe any outcome directly reported by the patient and is a subjective evaluation about disease and its treatment. With the development of well validated instruments with robust psychometric qualities these tools provide a useful way of assessing treatment both in routine practice and in clinical trials. This session critically reviews the differences between reported morbidity and associations of clinical outcomes such as survival. Furthermore, how these tools shape evaluation of routine radiotherapy practice, clinical trials. PROs are therefore critical to understanding the consequences of radiotherapy from a ‘whole- person’ perspective and the impact of treatment on people’s lives.
Chair: S. Faithfull (UK) Co-chair: M. Dolezel (Czech Republic)
16:45 > Differences between PRO and clinician reported morbidity and associations to clinical outcome Speaker: K. Kirchheiner (Austria) 17:05 > Collecting PROs in clinical practice to assess radiotherapy toxicity and develop normal tissue complication probability models Speaker: A. Gilbert (UK)
17:25 > PROs instruments used in clinical trials Speaker: S. Faithfull (UK)
PROFFERED PAPERS Oligometastatic disease 16:45 - 17:45 | SCHUBERT Chair: P. Ost (Belgium) Chair: B.A. Jereczek-Fossa (Italy)
16:45 > The role of SBRT in oligorecurrent and oligoprogressive prostate cancer: a multi-institutional study L. Triggiani (Italy), S. Magrini, A. Bruni, F. Alongi, A. Magli, A. Bonetta, L. Livi, R. Santoni, P. Borghetti, M. Maddalo, M.D. Rolando, G. Ingrosso, N. Pasinetti, M. Buglione 16:55 > Extracranial stereotactic Radiotherapy for lymph nodal recurrences: a dose escalation trial
F. Deodato (Italy), G. Macchia, M. Ferro, M. Ferro, G. Torre, V. Picardi, M. Nuzzo, S. Cilla, A. Ianiro, G. Tolento, S. Cammelli, F. Romani,
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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