ESTRO 36 Programme book and exhibition guide
15:25 > Patient-reported outcome in the prostate HYPRO trial: gastrointestinal toxicity W. Heemsbergen (The Netherlands), R. Wortel, F. Pos, R. Smeenk, S. Krol, S. Aluwini, M. Witte, B. Heijmen, L. Incrocci 15:35 > 5-year safety, efficacy and quality of life outcomes from multi-center SBRT trial for prostate cancer R. Meier (USA), I. Kaplan 15:45 > Prostatic sarcomas: a large multicentric Rare Cancer Network study B. De Bari (France), B. Stish, R. Miller, M. Krengli, A. Bossi, P. Sargos, C. Solé Pesutic, A. Stabile, R. Smeenk, N. Zaorsky, L. Lestrade, G. Crehange, M. Ozsahin
POSTER VIEWING 3 Treatment planning 14:45 - 16:00 | POSTER AREA Chair: W. Verbakel (The Netherlands) Chair: L.B. Hysing (Norway)
> MR-only prostate external radiotherapy treatment planning - a multi- center/multi-vendor validation E. Persson (Sweden), C. Gustafsson, F. Nordström, M. Sohlin, A. Gunnlaugsson, K. Petruson, N. Rintelä, K. Hed, L. Blomqvist, B. Zackrisson, T. Nyholm, L.E. Olsson, C. Siversson, J. Jonsson > Comparison of planned versus simulated delivered dose in IMRT for endometrial cancer I. White (UK), D. McQuaid, A. Dunlop, N. Hopkins, M. Caputo, S. Mason, S. Lalondrelle > Re-irradiation of pelvic recurrence of rectal cancer: Developing an adaptive plan selection strategy L. Nyvang (Denmark), C.S. Byskov, M.G. Guren, L.P. Muren, K.L.G. Spindler > Isotoxic stereotactic radiotherapy for central pelvic recurrence in gynecological cancer M. Llewelyn (UK), A. Taylor > Short tangential arcs in VMAT based breast and chest wall radiotherapy planning A. Munshi (India), B. Sarkar, S. Roy, T. Ganesh, B.K. Mohanti > Linear energy transfer in normal tissues in spot scanning proton therapy of prostate cancer J. Pedersen (Denmark), J. BB Petersen, C. H. Stokkevåg, K. S. Ytre-Hauge, O. Casares-Magaz, N. Mendenhall, L. P. Muren
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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