ESTRO 36 Programme book and exhibition guide
14:45 > Modern biomarkers for therapeutic strategy: radiation dose or volume modification Speaker: M. Krause (Germany) 15:10 > The changing role of head and neck surgeon in HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, or do we still need surgery? Speaker: C. Simon (Switzerland) 15:35 > Radiation de-escalation strategies in HPV-positive squamous cell carcinoma Speaker: J. Giralt (Spain)
SYMPOSIUMWITH PROFFERED PAPERS Costs and value of radiotherapy innovations: how to assess 14:45 - 16:00 | SCHUBERT `
After some examples of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in the broader cancer care context, specific challenges related to assessing radiotherapy interventions and implementing HTA recommendations into the daily radiation oncology practice, will be discussed. Thereafter, the necessary components of economic appraisals will be examined: what are radiotherapy costs and how to define them; how to evaluate the outcome of the treatments we deliver and the expected benefit to our patients. To illustrate the latter, the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit scale will be presented and it will be discussed how the development of such a tool may be applied in the context of radiation oncology.
Chair: Y. Lievens (Belgium) Co-chair: J. Novotny (Czech Republic)
14:45 > Health Technology Assessment: what’s in a word? A. Aggarwal (UK) 15:06 > Radiotherapy costs: the good, the bad and the ugly L. Perrier (France)
15:27 > A critical quality appraisal of studies estimating the cost of radiotherapy N. Defourny (Belgium) 15:37 > Method of development of ESMO Magnitude of Clinical Benefit applicable for radiotherapy? E.G.E. De Vries (The Netherlands)
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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