ESTRO 38 Abstract book
S447 ESTRO 38
technique) only those with a p-value ≤0.20 were entered into a multivariable model. In the overall population the only two covariates predictive of OBJ ≥5 at 3 months were baseline OBJ (OR 2.65, p<0.0001) and RT intent (OR 0.35, reference ADV, p=0.008) (AUC: 0.92 95% 0.88-0.95%) while in the subset of pts with a baseline OBJ<5 only baseline OBJ retained the statistical significance (OR 3.01, p=0.003, AUC 0.83 95% 0.76-0.89%).
Avuzzi 7 , B. Noris Chiorda 7 , T. Giandini 8 , V. Vavassori 9 , E. Villa 9 , G. Girelli 10 , B. Farina 10 , J.M. Waskiewicz 11 , A. Magli 12 , E. Moretti 13 , R. Valdagni 14 , C. Bianconi 15 , F. Badenchini 16 , N. Di Muzio 15 , T. Rancati 16 , C. Fiorino 17 , C. Cozzarini 15 1 Ospedale Regionale U.Parini-AUSL Valle d’Aosta, Radiotherapy, Aosta, Italy ; 2 Ospedale di Ivrea- A.S.L. TO4, Radiotherapy, Ivrea, Italy ; 3 Istituto di Candiolo- Fondazione del Piemonte per l'Oncologia IRCCS, Radiotherapy, Candiolo Torino, Italy ; 4 Ospedale Regionale U.Parini-AUSL Valle d’Aosta, Medical Physics, Aosta, Italy ; 5 Ospedale di Ivrea- A.S.L. TO4, Medical Physics, Ivrea, Italy ; 6 Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori “Regina Elena”, Radiotherapy, Roma, Italy ; 7 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy ; 8 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Medical Physics, Milano, Italy ; 9 Cliniche Gavazzeni-Humanitas, Radiotherapy, Bergamo, Italy ; 10 Ospedale degli Infermi, Radiotherapy, Biella, Italy ; 11 Comprensorio Sanitario di Bolzano, Radiotherapy, Bolzano, Italy ; 12 Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria S. Maria della Misericordia, Radiotherapy, Udine, Italy ; 13 Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria S. Maria della Misericordia, Medical Physics, Udine, Italy ; 14 12.University of Milan- Department of Oncology and Hemato-oncology - Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Prostate Cancer Program - Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Radiation Oncology 1, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy ; 15 Fondazione Centro San Raffaele, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy ; 16 Programma Prostata- Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy ; 17 Fondazione Centro San Raffaele, Medical Physics, Milano, Italy Purpose or Objective The fear of treatment induced urinary incontinence is one of the treatment sequelae mainly advising against post- prostatectomy. Purpose of this study was to compare the risk and trend over time of acute patient-reported urinary incontinence (PRUI) after adjuvant (ADV) or salvage (SALV) IMRT. Material and Methods An ongoing multicentric observational trial, registered at, is evaluating PRUI in pts treated with IMRT for prostate cancer. The ICIQ-SF questionnaire (ICIQ) has to be filled-in by pts at baseline, at RT mid-point and end, 3 and 6 months after RT end and thereafter every 6 months up to 5 years. IMRT is delivered at both conventional (CF) or moderate hypo-fractionation (HYPO). Complete ICIQ at baseline, RT mid-point and end were available for 316 pts (266 at 3 months). Pts characteristics in ADV (n=140) and SALV (n=176) cohorts were: time to RT (TTRT) 4 vs 24.4 months, EQD2 RT dose for a/b=10 Gy 72 vs 74 Gy, HYPO 53% vs 33%, median # of RT fractions 35 vs 37, hormonal therapy 58% vs 33%, Tomotherapy (TOMO) vs VMAT vs static-field IMRT (SS-IMRT) 46%/50%/4% vs 38%/48%/14%, open vs robotic vs laparoscopic surgery 68%/26%/6% vs 60%/28%/12%. Results Two ICIQ-based end-points were considered: “objective PRUI” (OBJ=sum of the scores of items #3 and #4, frequency and amount of urine loss, respectively, score 0- 11) and the impact on QoL as reported by pts (item #5, score 0-10). Overall, the mean and median scores for both end-points were significantly higher at baseline, during and immediately after irradiation in the ADV cohort (Table 1 and Figure 1), Nevertheless neither ADV nor SALV RT led to OBJ nor QoL worsening. Of the 266 with ICIQ at baseline and at 3 months, 2/55 (4%) and 12/107 (11%) with a baseline OBJ score <5 exhibited a corresponding score ≥5 at 3 months. The end-point for logistic regression analysis was set as an OBJ score ≥5 at 3 months. Among the variables investigated (age, BMI, TTRT, HORM, type of surgery, dose/fraction at PB, seminal vesicles bed, lymph- nodal PTV, EQD2 to PB, RT intent, baseline OBJ and RT
Conclusion Baseline OBJ score was the major predictor of PRUI 3 months after post-prostatectomy RT. Pts receiving ADV IMRT exhibited significantly higher OBJ and QoL scores in the 3 months after RT start, but the overall levels of PRUI and QoL impairment were rather low. Contrarily to what commonly believed, neither ADV nor SALV RT led to any worsening of post-prostatectomy OBJ or QoL in the first 3 months after RT, despite the relatively high delivered dose. PO-0851 Quality of life after whole pelvis RT for prostate cancer: results from a prospective study G. Sanguineti 1 , D. Cante 2 , F. Munoz 3 , A. Faiella 1 , E. Petrucci 4 , A. Peruzzo 5 , E. Garibaldi 6 , P. Gabriele 6 , B. Avuzzi 7 , T. Giandini 8 , B. Noris Chiorda 7 , V. Vavassori 9 , E. Villa 9 , P. Salmoiraghi 10 , G. Girelli 11 , J.M. Waskiewicz 12 , A. Magli 13 , E. Moretti 14 , R. Valdagni 15 , C. Bianconi 16 , F. Badenchini 17 , N. Di Muzio 16 , T. Rancati 17 , C. Fiorino 18 , C. Cozzarini 16 1 Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori “Regina Elena”, Radiotherapy, Roma, Italy ; 2 Ospedale di Ivrea- A.S.L. TO4, Radiotherapy, Ivrea, Italy ; 3 Ospedale Regionale U.Parini-AUSL Valle d’Aosta, Radiotherapy, Aosta, Italy ; 4 Ospedale di Ivrea- A.S.L. TO4, Medical Physics, Ivrea, Italy ; 5 Ospedale Regionale U.Parini-AUSL Valle d’Aosta, Medical Physics, Aosta, Italy ; 6 Istituto di Candiolo- Fondazione del Piemonte per l'Oncologia IRCCS, Radiotherapy, Candiolo Torino, Italy ; 7 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Radiotherapy, Milano,
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