ESTRO 38 Abstract book

S846 ESTRO 38

physical func which exhibited a further worsening at 5- year follow-up. Detailed analysis was carried out for QoL dimension at RT end, which from ANOVA resulted as the most impaired time point. Acute Grade≥2 GI toxicity significantly impacted global health, physical and role func, fatigue, appetite loss, diarrhoea and pain (p range: 0.02-0.0003, worsening range: 3-9 points). Pelvic irradiation resulted in significantly lower QoL for global health, fatigue, appetite loss and diarrhoea (p range: 0.05-0.0001, worsening range: 5-14 points). Acute Grade≥2 GU toxicity resulted in lower role func and higher pain (p=0.03 and 0.002 respectively, worsening of 5 and 10 points). Prescription dose was associated to diarrhoea (cutoff at 81 2Gy-equivalent, p=0.0001, 23.9 vs 13 points). Use of any neoadjuvant/concomitant hormonal therapy was associated to lower pain (6.7 vs 11, p=0.01), while the use of anti-androgen was associated to lower fatigue (19.2 vs 24.8, p=0.01)

Oncologia FPO- IRCCS- Candiolo TO, Medica Physics, Candiolo, Italy ; 2 Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Prostate Cancer Program- Milano- Italy, Prostate Cancer Program, Milano, Italy ; 3 Istituto di Candiolo- Fondazione del Piemonte per Oncologia FPO- IRCCS- Candiolo TO, Radiotherapy, Candiolo, Italy ; 4 Ospedale Regionale U.Parini-AUSL Valle d’Aosta- Aosta, Radiotherapy, Aosta, Italy ; 5 Ospedale di Ivrea- A.S.L. TO4- Ivrea, Radiotherapy, Ivrea, Italy ; 6 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Milano- Italy, Radiation Oncology 1, Milano, Italy ; 7 IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele- Milano, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy ; 8 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Radiation Oncology 1- Milano- Italy, Prostate Cancer Program, Milano, Italy ; 9 Ospedale degli Infermi- Biella, Medical Physics, Biella, Italy ; 10 Comprensorio Sanitario di Bolzano, Medical Physics, Bolzano, Italy ; 11 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Milano- Italy, Medical Physics, Milano, Italy ; 12 Ospedale degli Infermi- Biella, Radiotherapy, Biella, Italy ; 13 Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori “Regina Elena”- Roma, Medical Physics, Roma, Italy ; 14 Ospedale di Udine- Udine, Radiotherapy, Udine, Italy ; 15 Ospedale Regionale U.Parini-AUSL Valle d’Aosta- Aosta- Italy, Radiotherapy, Aosta, Italy ; 16 Ospedale di Udine- Udine- Italy, Medical Physics, Udine, Italy ; 17 Ospedale di Ivrea- A.S.L. TO4- Ivrea- Italy, Medical Physics, Ivrea, Italy ; 18 Cliniche Gavazzeni-Humanitas- Bergamo- Italy, Medical Physics, Bergamo, Italy ; 19 Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori “Regina Elena”- Roma- Italy, Radiotherapy, Roma, Italy ; 20 Cliniche Gavazzeni-Humanitas- Bergamo- Italy, Radiotherapy, Bergamo, Italy ; 21 Comprensorio Sanitario di Bolzano- Italy, Radiotherapy, Bolzano, Italy ; 22 University of Milan / Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori- Milano- Italy, Oncology and Hemato-oncology / Radiation Oncology 1 / Prostate Cancer Program, Milano, Italy ; 23 IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele- Milano- Italy, Medical Physics, Milano, Italy ; 24 IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele- Milano- Italy, Radiotherapy, Milano, Italy Purpose or Objective To study the evolution of quality of life (QoL) in the first 5 years after IMRT for prostate cancer and to determine possible association with clinical/treatment data: age, presence and type of hormonal therapy, prescribed dose, acute intestinal (GI) and urinary (GU) toxicity Material and Methods Patients were enrolled in a prospective multicentre observational trial in 2010-2014. They were treated at different prescription doses with conventional (74-80Gy- 1.8-2Gy/fr) or moderately hypofractionated IMRT (65- 75.2Gy-2.2-2.7Gy/fr) in 5 fractions/week. QoL was evaluated using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QoL questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) at baseline, at RT end and every 6 months up to 5 years after IMRT. 14 QoL dimensions were investigated separately: global health/QoL, physical functioning (func), role func, social func, emotional func, cognitive func, appetite loss, diarrhoea, fatigue, insomnia, dyspnoea, pain, constipation, nausea. Longitudinal evaluation of QoL was analysed by means of ANOVA for multiple measures. Differences between groups were evaluated through Mann-Whitney test Results 281 patients with complete set of questionnaires across 5 years were available. Figure 1 reports results from ANOVA in Table format, while Figure 2 presents longitudinal results for the 14 investigated QoL dimensions. A general trend toward significant worsening of QoL at RT end was detected for global health, physical and role func, fatigue, appetite loss, diarrhoea and pain. This worsening usually recovered within 6 months, with the only exception of

Conclusion Modern IMRT delivered in conventional or hypo- fractionated regimens, at high dose, represents a modality that doesn’t affect the long term QoL. A transient worsening of some QoL dimensions is associated to the presence of acute GI/GU toxicity, pelvic irradiation and higher prescribed doses. However, these detrimental effects are solved in the short term after RT end, within 6 months

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