ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

08:45 > Mitigation of range uncertainties with probabilistic IMPT optimization Speaker: M. Bangert, N. Wahl, H. Wieser (Germany) 09:03 > Multi-energy CT for improved SPR determination: Proposed methods and their experimental validation Speaker: V. Taasti (Denmark), G.J. Michalak, A.J. Deisher, J.J. Kruse, C.H. MccollougH, L.P. Muren, J.B.B. Petersen, D.C. Hansen 09:21 > Treatment planning and verification with proton CT and proton radiography to reduce range uncertainties in proton therapy Speaker: R. Schulte (USA) 09:39 > Accounting for organ motion in proton therapy at the planning stage Speaker: T. Lomax (Switzerland) This session will start with an overview of SRS peer reviewed published evidence and the technology available to treat multiple brain metastastes. Key technical factors for accurate application of the prescription including management of tumour margins, the impact on tumour margins of location and stability of the isocentre and simple, accurate and quick measurement of isocentric characteristics. The session will conclude with a novel approach to the provision of social support for patients and carers through network meetings. The process of preparing and conducting network meetings will be discussed and their impact on the patient experience. 08:45 > Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases: treating multiple lesions Speaker: A. Williamson (United Kingdom) 09:10 > Linac isocentric accuracy and its influence on treatment margins Speaker: E. Kouwenhoven (The Netherlands), J. Van Egmond, J. Van Santvoort 09:35 > Communication care and side effect - brain radiotherapy - What`s the role of the RTT? Speaker: H. Simonsen (Denmark) Chair: M. Coffey (Ireland) Co-chair: E.R. Andersen (Norway) SYMPOSIUM Care, communication and new technology in brain radiotherapy 08:45 - 10:00 | Ambra 1-2









SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide


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