ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
JOINT SYMPOSIUM ESTRO-IAEA: The role of hypofractionation in current radiotherapy and its impact in planning radiotherapy services 10:30 - 11:45 | Auditorium Chair: N. Jornet (Spain) Chair: E.H. Zubizarreta (Austria) 10:30 > Hypofractionation from a radiobiological perspective Speaker: M.R. Horsman (Denmark) 10:48 > Clinical outcome and effectiveness of extreme hypofractionation together with the different scenarios in terms of resources and costs Speaker: J.A. Polo Rubio (Austria) 11:06 > How we deliver extreme-hypofractionated radiotherapy with current technology - a physicist perspective Speaker: J. Cuijpers (The Netherlands) 11:24 > What’s the impact of extreme-hypofractionated radiotherapy in operating a radiotherapy department - an RTT perspective Speaker: Y.M. Tsang (United Kingdom)
DEBATE Which is the best technique for the delivery of APBI? 10:30 - 11:45 | Ambra 5-6
Great interest is being directed toward Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI), compared to whole-breast irradia-tion after breast- conserving surgery, in selected women with early low-risk breast cancer. The aim of this debate is to discuss with experts about the pros and cons of the two main APBI techniques: multicatheter interstitial brachytherapy and external beam radiation therapy. The second part of the session will focus on physics and radiobiology aspects of both techniques, in order to assist personalised decision-making for each patient.
Chair: C. Polgár (Hungary) Co-chair: K. Cao (France)
10:30 > This house believes that the EBRT is the best technique Speaker: C. Coles (United Kingdom) 10:45 > This house believes that the multicatheter brachytherapy is the best technique Speaker: V. Strnad (Germany)
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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