ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
11:00 > MRI radiomics analysis for predicting prognosis of cervical cancer after defini-tive radiotherapy A. Takada (Japan), H. Yokota, M. Watanabe, T. Horikoshi, T. Uno 11:10 > MRI radiomics to predict tumour response in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer
P. Bulens (Belgium), A. Couwenberg, M. Intven, A. Debucquoy, V. Vandecaveye, M. Philippens, P. Mukherjee, O. Gevaert, K. Haustermans
11:20 > Organ Preservation with Image Guided and Adaptive Brachytherapy for Patients with Rectal Cancer A. Garant (USA), S. Magnan, S. Devic, A. Martin, M. Boutros, C. Vasilevsky, S. Fer-land, A. Bujold, S. Desgroseilliers, H. Sebajang, C. Richard, T. Vuong 11:30 > Radiochemotherapy and hyperthermia in locally advanced rectal cancer - A pro-spective phase II trial C. Gani (Germany), U. Lamprecht, M. Bitzer, J. Gellermann, O. Voigt, A. Ziegler, M. Moll, A. Königsrainer, D. Zips PROFFERED PAPERS PH 9: Proffered paper: Artificial intelligence and novel imaging approaches 10:30 - 11:45 | Space 1-2 Chair: U. Van der Heide (The Netherlands) Chair: M. Bogowicz (Switzerland) 10:30 > Cone-beam CT intensity correction using a generative adversarial network and unpaired training C. Kurz (Germany), M. Maspero, M.H.F. Savenije, G. Landry, F. Kamp, M. Li, K. Parodi, C. Belka, C.A.T. Van den Berg 10:40 > Unsupervised deep learning for fast and accurate CBCT to CT deformable im-age registration S.R. Van Kranen (The Netherlands), T. Kanehira, R. Rozendaal, J. Sonke 10:50 > Synthetic CT generation for head and neck radiotherapy by a 3D convolutional neural network
A. Dinkla, M. Florkow, M. Maspero, M. Savenije, F. Zijlstra, P. Doornaert, M. Van Stralen, M. Philippens, P. Seevinck, N. Van den Berg (The Netherlands)
11:00 > Whole-frame 2D cineMR prediction using deep neural networks P. Borman (The Netherlands), L. Kerkmeijer, B. Raaymakers, M. Glitzner
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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