ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
> Lower toxicity incidence after SPECT/CT-guided elective nodal irradiation for head and neck cancer P. De Veij Mestdagh (The Netherlands), W.V. Vogel, M.L. Donswijk, E. Lamers, C. Carbaat, W.H. Schreuder, M.W.M. Van den Brekel, A. Al-Mamgani > Voice outcome following radiotherapy or laser microsurgery in patients with early glottic cancer A. Allajbej (Italy), F. Patani, S. Di Biase, D. Fasciolo, C. Di Carlo, C. Rosa, L. Gasparini, M. Di Francesco, G. Falcone, G. Quaternato, A. Croce, A. Di Pilla, M. Trignani, L. Caravatta, D. Genovesi > Reirradiation of salivary gland tumors with carbon ion radiotherapy (CIRT) at CNAO B. Vischioni, B. Dhanireddy, M. Bonora, S. Ronchi, V. Vitolo, M.R. Fiore, E. D'Ippolito (Italy), R. Petrucci, C. Severo, E. Ciurlia, A. Hasegawa, A. Iannalfi, F. Valvo, R. Orecchia > Prognostic factors analysis in a cohort of Nasopharyngeal cancer patients with 5-year follow-up N.A. Iacovelli (Italy), A. Cavallo, A. Cicchetti, L. Ferella, N. Facchinetti, T. Giandini, S. Meroni, D.A. Romanello, P. Bossi, L. Licitra, E. Pignoli, C. Fallai, E. Orlandi > NTCP model for penetration/aspiration after (chemo)radiation including DVH parameters A. Gawryszuk (The Netherlands), H.P. Van der Laan, R.J.M. Steenbakkers, J.G.M. Van den Hoek, H.P. Bijl, J.A. Langendijk > Transition from anatomical to geometric expansion modality for high-risk CTV in oropharyngeal cancer P. Bonomo (Italy), I. Desideri, C. Becherini, L. Visani, V. Salvestrini, M. Mariotti, P. Garlatti, L. Dominici, L. Livi N. Den Haan (The Netherlands), L. Van den Bosch, A. Van den Hoek, H. Bijl, R. Steenbakkers, M. Dieters, H.P. Van der Laan, H. Langendijk > Non-invasive imaging for tumor hypoxia: a novel validated CT and FDG-PET-based Radiomic signature S. Sanduleanu (Belgium), A. Jochems, T. Upadhaya, A. Even, R. Leijenaar, F. Dankers, R. Klaassen, H. Woodruff, M. Hatt, H. Kaanders, O. Hamming-Vrieze, H. Van Laarhoven, R. Subramiam, S. Huang, B. O'Sullivan, S. Bratman, L. Dubois, R. Miclea, D. Di Perri, X. Geets, D. De Ruysscher, F. Hoebers, P. Lambin > NTCP model for osteoradionecrosis after definitive radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients
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