ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Population-based Phase II Trial of Stereotactic Radiotherapy for up to 5 Oligometastases: SABR-5 R. Olson (Canada), M. Liu, A. Bergman, S. Lam, F. Hsu, B. Mou, T. Berrang, A. Mestrovic, N. Chng, D. Hyde, Q. Matthews, C. Lund, D. Glick, H. Pai, P. Basran, H. Carolan, B. Valev, S. Tyldesley, D. Schellenberg > Palliative radiotherapy for lung cancer from patients’ perspective: a quality of life (QoL) study W. Majewski (Poland), M. Wyduba > Early clinical results & feasibility of amplitude-gated DIBH for SBRT: A multi-centre experience K. Chufal (India), I. Ahmed, C.P. Bhatt, R. Chowdhary, R. Singh, A. Pahuja > SBRT and the treatment of adrenal gland metastasis D. Georgiev (Bulgaria), N. Gesheva-Atanasova, S. Lalova, A. Balabanova, I. Mihaylova, B. Antonov, K. Ormankova > A model for individualized estimation of survival in patients who underwent whole-brain radiotherapy C. Marchand-Créty (France), J. Riverain, Y. Drouet, J. Thariat, S. Servagi-Vernat > First results of the first cohort of a phase I dose-escalation trial on SABR for oligometastases C. Mercier (Belgium), P. Dirix, C. Billiet, P. Meijnders, P. Vermeulen, C. Rypens, P. Huget, D. Verellen > Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Oligometastatic Disease: A single-institution experience. L.P. Guzman Gomez (Spain), J. Luna Tirado, D. Gonsalves Pieretti, A. Ilundain Idoate, M. Montero Feijoo, W.A. Vasquez Rivas, E. Lopez Ramirez > KORTUC for lytic bone metastasis S. Obata Hitomi (Japan), O. Yukihiro, T. Tatsuya, M. Shigeki, O. Yohiaki, K. Tsunehiko, K. Shinya, I. Yohta, K. Akira, I. Kayo, W. Kumiko, O . > First clinical experiences with SBRT on the 1.5 T MR-linac for pelvic lymph node oligometastases A.M. Werensteijn-Honingh (The Netherlands), P.S. Kroon, D. Winkel, E.M. Aalbers, B. Van Asselen, G.H. Bol, K.J. Brown, W.S.C. Eppinga, M. Glitzner, E.N. De Groot-van Breugel, S.L. Hackett, M. Intven, J.G.M. Kok, A.N. Kotte, J.J.W. Lagendijk, M.E.P. Philippens, R.H.N. Tijssen, J.W.H. Wolthaus, S.J. Woodings, B.W. Raaymakers, I.M. Jürgenliemk-Schulz











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