ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
Young Programme
Sunday 28 April 2019 from 8:00-17:30 | Ambra 3-4
Teaching lecture Precision medicine and systems biology - transforming cancer re- search in the 21st century
08:00-08:40 >
Chair: M-I Bittner (DE) Speaker: W. Kolch (IE)
Symposium Combining research and (clinical/ professional) training/ practice
08:45-10:00 >
Chair: C. Chargari (FR) Co-chair: G. Reggiori (IT) Taking time off for full-time research - is it worth it? A. Levy (FR) Why do we need and pitfalls to be trained in statistics? A. Escande (FR) Research and training in medical physics S. Petit (NL) Clinical vs lab research for clinicians D. Milanovic (UK) Lessons learnt from a young head of department R. Baumann (DE)
Coffee break & Speed Dating Chair: MI Bittner (UK) and C. Chargari (FR)
10:00-11:45 >
Young Lunch symposium How to prevent burnout? Chair: J-E Bibault (FR) Co-chair: J. Bertholet (UK) Perspectives on burnout in the medical professions P. Franco (IT) OC-0327 The PRO BONO survey (PROject on Burn-Out in RadiatioN Oncology) P. Franco (IT)
13:00 – 14:30 >
PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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