ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
Pre-meeting courses
CLINICAL PRE-MEETING COURSE MR guided radiotherapy for clinicians Friday 26 April 2019 | 08:30-17:00 | room Brown 3
Course directors: B. Slotman (NL) and C. Gani (DE) Course teachers: R. Botman (NL), A. Bruynzeel (NL), C. D. Fuller (US), M. Guckenberger (CH), I. Jürgenliemk-Schulz (NL), S. Klüter (DE), M. Ladd (DE), T. Nyholm (SE), B. Raaymakers (NL), A. Tree (UK), V. Valentini (IT), U. van der Heide (NL)
Course aim To provide an overview of the current and potential role of external beam MRI-guided radiotherapy for clinicians.
Learning objectives • To obtain an overview on MRI guided systems for external beam radiotherapy • To assess the clinical benefits of MRI-guided radiotherapy for various tumour sites • To identify limitations of MRI guided radiotherapy • To become engaged in this new field within radiotherapy • To get an overview of the potential of MR hybrid devices as a research tool. Target audience Everyone interested in the exciting new field of MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy. The program will target clinicians and physicists, but RTT’s with special interest in MRI-guided radiotherapy will also benefit from the course.
PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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