ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Hypofractionated radiotherapy for non resectable glioblastoma multiforme patients I. Nieto Regueira (Spain), O. Virginia, M. Victor > Radiosurgery reirradiation of brainstem: clinical evaluation and its radiobiological correlation V. Pinzi v, D.M. Elena, M. Marchetti, L. Fariselli > Multisession radiosurgery re-irradiation for glioblastoma recurrence: a retrospective analysis V. Pinzi (Italy), A. Viola, M. Marchetti, P. Gaviani, E. Anghileri, L. Fariselli > Bevacizumab as treatment option for cerebral radiation necrosis A case series of 22 patients R. Bodensohn Niyazi (Germany), I. Hadi, D.F. Fleischmann, C. Belka, M. > The impact of multidisciplinary tumor board in brain tumor management: the OMNYBuS Project S. Chiesa (Italy), C. Mazzarella, G. Sabatino, S. Gaudino, M. Iezzi, S. Luzi, F. Beghella Bartoli, G. La Rocca, G.F. D'Onofrio, C. Colosimo, A. Olivi, V. Valentini, M. Balducci > Evolution of non functioning pituitary adenoma after first surgery : long follow-up of 256 patients T. Charleux, V. Vendrely, A. Huchet, R. Trouette, A. Tabarin, V. Jecko, H. Loiseau, C. Dupin (France) > Outcomes and health-related quality of life in large skull base meningiomas treated with protons D. Amelio (Italy), D. Scartoni, S. Lorentini, L. Widesott, R. Righetto, I. Giacomelli, M. Schwarz, M. Amichetti > The patterns of care and management of brain metastases In a large Oncology centre M. O'Cathail (United Kingdom), R. Bentley, V. Crosby, L. Aznar-Garcia, A. Wilcock, J. Christian > Stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastasis and systemic therapies: a safe combination? M. Manicone, M. Galaverni (Italy), I. Renna, P. Ciammella, L. Giaccherini, F. Bellafiore, G. Timon, F. Vigo, A. Rosca, D. Ramundo, M. Galeandro, M.P. Ruggieri, T. Palmieri, A. Botti, R. Sghedoni, E. Cagni, M. Orlandi, M. Russo, C. Bonelli, M. Pagano, C. Iotti > Impact of retreatment or chemiotherapy on survival in patients affected by a recurrent Glioblastoma C. Mazzarella (Italy), S. Chiesa, S. Bracci, T. Zinicola, S. Longo, F. Beghella Bartoli, S. Luzi, G. Sabatino, A. Albanesese, A. Olivi, V. Valentini, M. Balducci












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