ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Adjuvant radiotherapy for primary squamous cell carcinoma of the breast M. Ogita (Japan), K. Shiraishi, T. Chang, J. Kawamori, W. Takahashi, T. Kiritoshi, H. Yamashita, K. Nakagawa > Cardiac structures doses and correlation with mean heart dose in breast radiotherapy treatment M. Vázquez, A. Giraldo, S. Micó, M. Altabas, D. Sánchez, J. Giralt, V.M. Reyes Lopez (Spain) > The FAST approach as adjuvant whole breast irradiation for frail breast cancer patients M.A. Zerella, S. Arculeo, E. Miglietta (Italy), A. Casbarra, S. Dicuonzo, > Radiotherapy in elderly breast cancer patients with hormone therapy: A population-based study D. Medenwald (Germany), A. Glowka, D. Vordermark, K. Medenwald > Hyperthermic chest wall re-irradiation in recurrent breast cancer: a prospective observational study C. De Colle (Germany), N. Weidner, V. Heinrich, S. Brucker, M. Hahn, K. MacMillan, U. Lamprecht, S. Gaupp, O. Voigt, D. Zips > Hypofractionated radiotherapy for breast cancer in elderly patients: 10 or 5 fractions? E. Bonzano (Italy), G. Polizzi, M. Guenzi, R. Corvò > Second primary lung cancer unlikely associated with irradiated breast cancer population in Taiwan T.T. Ngo (Taiwan), L. Chien, L. Chen, L. Lu > Estimated survival benefit and cardiovascular risk due to radiotherapy for breast cancer in Chile T. Ip (Chile), G. Martínez, C. Sánchez, R. Fernández, L. Bravo, M. Pinto, E. Vinés, T. Merino > Waiting times for breast cancer treatment in Chile according to public or private health insurance T. IP (Chile), C. Gabler, C. Carvajal, C. Osorio, M. Camus, C. Sánchez, M. Silva, T. Merino > “Every breath you take”: first results of INHALE (Inspiration Breath hold health related QoL) study E. Ippolito (Italy), S. Silipigni, A. Sicilia, S. Palizzi, G.M. Petrianni, B. Santo, S. Gentile, P. Zuccoli, E. Molfese, A. Iurato, R.M. D'Angelillo, S. Ramella V. Dell'Acqua, M.A. Gerardi, A. Morra, C. Fodor, F. Cattani, V.E. Galimberti, P. Veronesi, R. Orecchia, M.C. Leonardi, B.A. Jereczek-Fossa












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