ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Long-term survival with FDG-PET directed therapy in NSCLC with synchronous solitary brain metastasis S.J. Newman (Australia), N. Bucknell, M. Bressel, P. Tran, B. Campbell, N. Haghighi, D. Kok, M. MacManus, C. Phillips, M. Shaw, A. Wirth, G. Wheeler, D. Ball, S. Siva > Locally advanced NSCLC: performance status based eligibility for adjuvant check point inhibitor G. Persson (Denmark), T. Schytte, A.L. Appelt, S. Borissova, C. Brink, T.S. Hansen, L. Hoffmann, M. Josipovic, A.A. Khalil, M.M. Knap, M.D. Lund, C.M. Lutz, D.S. Møller, T.B. Nielsen, M. Nielsen, W. Ottosson, M. Pøhl, J.B. Thomsen, O. Hansen > Lung cancer extrecerebral oligometastases/oligoprogression stereotactic irradiation M. Kissel (France), I. Martel-Lafay, J. Lequesne, J. Faivre, C. Le Péchoux, D. Stefan, V. Barraux, C. Loiseau, J. Grellard, S. Danhier, D. Lerouge, C. Chouaid, R. Gervais, J. Thariat > Impact of Pulmonary SABR on Pulmonary Function Tests: Report of a single institution experience M. Keys (Ireland), S. O'Sullivan, R. Mc Dermott, N. Wallace, M. Dunne, J. Armstrong, P. Thirion > Oligo-progressive status exhibits unfavorable survival in pulmonary oligo-recurrence treated by SABR H. Lee (Taiwan), J. Tsai, S. Chen, I. Lai, C. Chen, C. Ho, J. Chiou, Y. Kuo > Targeted therapy with or without Radiotherapy in EGFR/ALK mutant NSCLC with Brain Metastases I. Císcar García, M. Martín Martín (Spain) > Spinal metastases from non-small cell lung cancer; is it a surrogate of bad outcome? L. Krozkin (Israel), I. Ospovat, D. Machievsky, E. Gez, S. Soifer, B. Corn, Y. Natan Hoz, O. Gutfeld, D. Limon > SBRT for de novo pulmonary tumors in patients with completely resected early stage NSCLC Q. Zhao (China), J. He, Z. Zeng > DosimetricAppraisa ofVMATforStereotacticRadiosurgery inLungLesionsinComparisontoRobotic Radiosurgery E. Erdogan (Turkey), P. Boydak, B. Eren, F. Aksaray > Salvage SBRT for postoperative recurrence of NSCLC S. Aoki (Japan), H. Yamashita, W. Takahashi, K. Nawa, T. Ota, Y. Nozawa, S. Ozaki, T. Nakamoto, K. Nakagawa












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