ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Clinical Outcomes for Patients with Gleason Score 10 Prostate Adenocarcinoma: TROD 09-004 Study G. Ozyigit (Turkey), H.C. Onal, P. Hurmuz, A. Iribas, I. Cetin, I.B. Gorken, D. Yalman, F. Akyol > Vessel-sparing prostate V-MAT with simultaneous integrated boost to dominant intraprostatic lesion S. Ciabatti, M. Ntreta, C. Gaudiano, E. Sessagesimi, V. Dionisi (Italy), M. Buwenge, M. Ferioli, F. Deodato, A. Ianiro, G. Macchia, M. Ferro, S. Riga, F. Romani, A.L. Angelini, V. Valentini, S. Cammelli, R. Golfieri, G.P. Frezza, A.G. Morganti, S. Cilla > Influence of obesity in treatment outcomes in prostate cancer patients J.L. Munoz Garcia (Spain), F. Ropero Carmona, M. Gonzalez Ruiz, P. Simon Silva, J. Quiros Rivero, Y. Rios Kavadoy, M.C. Cruz Muñoz, J. Cabrera Rodriguez > Local Relapse after Radiotherapy for prostate cancer: is a second local treatment worthwhile? C. Hennequin (France), M. Pierre, D.K. Eric, V. Laetitia, D. François, C. Stephane, Q. Laurent > Where fail PC patients treated with limited RT to prostate and sv with 76-80 Gy +/- hormonotherapy? J. Lopez Torrecilla (Spain), P.P. J, V. A, G.H. T, G.S. D, A. P, H.M. A, G.M. E, G.P. Jc, B. L, G. D, R.F. J > Early experience and quality of life in SBRT prostate cancer boost of 9 Gy in a phase II trial F. Ferrer (Spain), A. Pont, R. De Blas, A. Boladeras, O. Garin, M. Ventura, E. Zardoya, J. Delgado, E. Condom, E. Merino, J. Mases, M. Castells, I. Guix, J.F. Suarez, J. Gonzalez, S. Almendros, M. Garcia, M.A. Berenguer, N. Garcia, M. Stefanovic, C. Gutierrez, C. Picon, M. Ferrer, F. Guedea > A bowel pathway for patients undergoing radiotherapy for prostate cancer C. Perna (United Kingdom), C. Williamson, S. Khaksar > Intention to treat analysis of 68Ga-PSMA/11C-choline PET/CT vs. CT for prostate cancer recurrences A. Müller (Germany), S. Olthof, C. Pfannenberg, D. Wegener, J. Marzec, J. Bedke, A. Stenzl, C. La Fougère, K. Nikolaou, D. Zips, J. Schwenck > Long-term results and PSA kinetics after robotic SBRT for prostate cancer Y. Park (Korea Republic of), H.J. Park, W.I. Jang, B.K. Jeong, H. Kim, A.R. Chang











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