ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> High-dose hypofractionated helical IG-IMRT in high-risk prostate cancer patients N.G. Di Muzio (Italy), C.L. Deantoni, F. Zerbetto, C. Cozzarini, S. Broggi, P. Mangili, A. Chiara, I. Dell'Oca, A.M. Deli, R. Calandrino, C. Fiorino, A. Fodor > Twice vs thrice-weekly moderate hypofractionated EBRT for PCa: does overall treatment time matter? V. Achard (Switzerland), S. Jorcano, M. Rouzaud, L. Escude, R. Miralbell, T. Zilli > Precision of deformable image registration for high-field MR- Linac treatment of prostate cancer R.L. Christiansen (Denmark), L. Dysager, O. Hansen, C. Brink, B. Uffe > The effect of an endorectal balloon on GI toxicity after EBRT for localized prostate cancer





V. Groen (The Netherlands), L. Kerkmeijer, E. Monninkhof, M. Van Schie, M. Kunze-Busch, H. De Boer, U. Van der Heide, F. Pos, K. Haustermans, R.J. Smeenk


> Do metformin and statins play a role in localized high-risk prostate cancer? G. Cadeddu (Spain), F. López Campos, M. Martín Martín, L. Pelari Mici,

K. Ytuza Charahua de Kirschner, A. Hernández Corrales, E. Carrasco Esteban, S. Sastre Gallego, I. Císcar García, S. Sancho García, A. Hervás Morón


> Updated results of a Phase II study on 5 fractions FFF SBRT for low and intermediate prostate cancer F. Alongi, L. Nicosia (Italy), R. Mazzola, N. Giaj-Levra, F. Ricchetti, V. Figlia, M. Rigo, G. Sicignano, S. Naccarato, R. Ruggieri > SBRT for lymph node metastases from prostate cancer: a multi- institutional retrospective analysis F. Alongi, L. Nicosia (Italy), C. Francese, G. D'Agostino, L. Di Brina, V. Figlia, R. Mazzola, S. Tomatis, M. Scorsetti > Quality of life after focal salvage high-dose-rate brachytherapy for radiorecurrent prostate cancer M. Van Son (The Netherlands), E. Monninkhof, M. Peters, J. Van der Voort van Zyp > Prostate cancer radiotherapy: a systematic review about boost on the dominant intraprostatic lesion S. Cammelli (Italy), M. Buwenge, S. Giambattista, A. Zamagni, E. Galofaro, P. Valeria, M. Ntreta, E. Alexopoulou, M. Ferro, E. Arena, G. Macchia, F. Deodato, S. Cilla, I. Djan, G.P. Frezza, A.G. Morganti





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