ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Radioiodine therapy: a dosimetric study in a patient with DTC after rhTSH stimulation S. Mazzaglia (Italy), L. Barone Tonghi, A.M. Gueli, C.N. Tuvè, G. Pellegriti > Independent dose verification of brachytherapy TPS and automation of EQD2 reports using Matlab Code S. Esteve Sánchez (United Kingdom), A.B. Mohamed Yoosuf, G. Workman > Determination of tolerance criteria for the sliding leaf gap dynamic IMRT test S. Weston (United Kingdom), C. Thompson, A. Esmail, P. Rixham, D. Paynter > Automated proton plan QA via independent Monte Carlo simulations G. Guterres Marmitt (The Netherlands), A. Pin, J.A. Langendijk, S. Both, A. Knopf, A. Meijers > Improvements in pencil beam algorithm in proton therapy: do we still need Monte Carlo in brain? L. Widesott (Italy), S. Lorentini, F. Fracchiolla, P. Farace, M. Schwarz > Accumulated dose prediction from pre-treatment dosimetric parameters in cervical cancer PotD method S. Heijkoop (The Netherlands), J. Godart, E. Novakova, J.W. Mens, B. Heijmen, M. Hoogeman > Impact of calculation grid resolution and CT slice thickness on TPS calculated small fields OF M.D. Falco (Italy), M. Fusella, C. Fiandra, S. Clemente, C. Garibaldi, M. Casati, F.R. Giglioli, E. Gallio, T. Malatesta, A. Delana, C. Marino, A. Soriani, S. Linsalata, P. Bagalà, G. Benecchi, R. Consorti, M. Casale, G. Reggiori, E. Villaggi, S. Russo, P. Mancosu > Correlation between VMAT plans complexity indices and gamma passing rate by using three QA phantoms I. Vacchieri (Italy), P. Tabarelli De Fatis, M. Liotta > Ability of Modulation Complexity Score to predict the result of pre-treatment QA for VMAT plans I. Vacchieri (Italy), M. Liotta, A. Malovini, P. Tabarelli De Fatis > Comparison of two commercial detectors and the influence of grid spacing calculations in SBRT R. Gómez Pardos, E. Ambroa Rey (Spain), D. Navarro Giménez, A. Ramírez Muñoz, J. García-Miguel Quiroga, M. Colomer Truyols












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