ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
10:40 > Pattern of relapse and dosimetric analysis of a single dose 19Gy HDR-brachytherapy phase II trial
A. Gomez-Iturriaga (Spain), D. Buchser, P. Minguez, J.M. Espinosa, F. Perez, J. Cacicedo, F. Suarez, A. Gonzalez, P. Bilbao, F. Casquero
10:50 > Radiomic and dosimetric analysis of urethral strictures following prostate HDR monotherapy Y.M. Tsang (United Kingdom), D. Vignarajah, A. Mcwilliam, H. Tharmalingam, A. Choudhury, P. Hoskin 11:00 > Clinical outcomes of focal salvage high-dose-rate brachytherapy for radiorecurrent prostate cancer M. Peters (The Netherlands), M.J. Van Son, M.A. Moerland, J.J.W. Lagendijk, J.R.N. Van der Voort van Zyp 11:10 > Focal high-dose-rate brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer: long-term clinical follow-up M. Van Son (The Netherlands), M. Peters, M.A. Moerland, J.J.W. Lagendijk, J.R.N. Van der Voort van Zyp 11:20 > Dose to the dominant intraprostatic lesion using HDR vs. LDR monotherapy: Phase II Randomized trial J. Crook (Canada), D. Batchelar, M. Hilts, D. Anderson, F. Bachand, S. Tissaverasinghe, B. Farnquist, T. Bainbridge, C. Araujo 11:30 > Long-term results of 15Gy HDRBT boost in intermediate risk- prostate cancer: Analysis of 500+ patients
L. Mendez (Canada), K. Martell, H. Chung, C. Tseng, Y. Alayed, P. Cheung, S. Liu, D. Vesprini, W. Chu, E. Szumacher, A. Ravi, A. Loblaw, G. Morton
PROFFERED PAPERS PH 5: Proffered paper: Innovations in dosimetry and dose measurements 10:30 - 11:45 | Space 1-2 Chair: L. De Prez (The Netherlands) Chair: A. Latorre Musoll (Spain) 10:30 > A water calorimeter as a primary standard for absorbed dose in magnetic fields
L. De Prez (The Netherlands), J. De Pooter, B. Jansen, S. Woodings, J. Wolthaus, B. Van Asselen, T. Van Soest, J. Kok, B. Raaymakers
10:40 > Consistency of PTW30013 and FC65-G ion chamber magnetic field correction factors S. Woodings (The Netherlands), B. Van Asselen, T. Van Soest, L. De Prez, J. Lagendijk, B. Raaymakers, J. Wolthaus
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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