ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
DEBATE Can early-regression-guided adaptive RT (eRG-ART) improve the pathological response in neo-adjuvant treatments? 16:15 - 17:30 | Auditorium Early-regression-guided adaptive radiotherapy (eRG-ART) is a strong trend in radiation oncology. It can be defined as a radiotherapy technique that aims to customize each patient’s treatment plan to patient-specific variation in response by evaluating and characterizing early response through feedback of functional images and including them in adaptive planning. Treatment adaptation based on the response could result in a better outcome, lesser toxicity, and also be an independent prognostic factor. It sounds encouraging, but the reality is more brutal. Uncertainties of imaging, risks of missing the residual tumor, lack of prediction models, and other problems may limit the use of eRG-ART in clinical practice. The proponents and opponents of eRG-ART will heatedly discuss this issue.
Chair: E. Malinen (Norway) Co-chair: M. Spalek (Poland) 16:15 > For the motion 16:30 > Against the motion C. Rödel (Germany) 16:45 > For the motion C. Fiorino (Italy) 17:00 > Against the motion
K. Haustermans (Belgium)
G. Meijer (The Netherlands)
17:15 > Discussion
SYMPOSIUM Recent insights into adverse cardiac effects from multimodal radiation therapy 16:15 - 17:30 | Ambra 5-6 The symposium will cover four aspects pertaining to cardiac effects of cancer therapy. The first presentation will dis-cuss prediction models of acute coronary events with particular emphasis on ongoing studies that aimto improve exist-ingmodels. Next, radiotherapy procedures inpatients with a cardiac implantable electronic device will be discussed. This will be followed by a summary of biology-driven efforts intended at developing therapeutic approaches for preven-tion or reversal of radiation heart damage. Finally, as patients with cancer therapy sequela are increasingly managed in the primary health care services, the assessment of high-risk individuals and secondary prevention will be overviewed.
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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