ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Adjuvant small pelvic field radiotherapy in cervical cancer with intermediate risk factors J.A. Solis Campos (Chile), B. Tudela Staub, G. Veillon Contreras, I. Perrot Rosenberg > The use of CT texture analysis in cervical cancer to predict response to chemoradiotherapy S. Otter (United Kingdom), A. Franklin, P. Evans, A. Stewart > Radiation therapy for Uterine Cervical Cancer with lung metastases including oligometastases Y. Mukai (Japan), I. Koike, E. Miyagui, M. Hata > Leukocytosis and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio: Prognostic Factors in Uterine Cervical Cancer? S. Garcia (Portugal), R. Costa Lago, G. Almeida, D. Rodrigues, M.P. Fontes, G. Pinto > Stereotactic RT in ovarian cancer: multicentric retrospective pooled analysis (MITO-RT project) G. Macchia , G.R. D’Agostino, A. Fodor, A.M. Cerrotta, R. Autorino, D. Russo, E. Perrucci, A. Zamagni, A. Di Stefano, C. Iftode, S. Cilla, A.G. Morganti, C. Aristei, N. Di Muzio, M. Scorsetti, F. Deodato, G. Scambia, V. Valentini, G. Ferrandina > Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Boost for Stage IA - IIB Cancers of the Cervix: 5-Year Results S. Dalwadi, M. Ludwig, N. Waheed, D. Tran, M. Bonnen, C. Mantz (USA) > Neoadjuvant CT followed by chemoradiation in locally advanced cancer cervix : feasibility and QOLstudy S. Singh (India), S. Sadhan Sarangi, P. Misra, D. Kapoor, A. Rani, N. Rastogi, S. Kumar > Role of PET-CT in patients of recurrent carcinoma cervix treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy M. Rastogi (India), A.K. Gandhi, R. Khurana, S.S. Nanda, H.B. Singh, S. Rath, P.C. Rai, S. Kumar, A. Bharati, A.K. Srivastava, S.P. Mishra > Role of HPV DNA testing and its influence on clinical outcomes in Cervical Cancer P. Jayaprakash (India), G. Narayanan > Prognostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT parameters in patients with locally advanced cervical carcinoma. S. Cordoba Largo (Spain), V. Garcia Jarabo, D. Martinez, M. Ramirez, M. Gaztañaga Boronat, C. De la Fuente, G. Marquina, A. Ortega, R. Mendez












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