ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide

> Particle radiotherapy for re-irradiation of pelvic recurrences of gynecological cancer A. Barcellini (Italy), V. Vitolo, R. Lazzari, M.R. Fiore, A. Iannalfi, B. Vischioni, A. Facoetti, S. Ronchi, M. Bonora, E. D'Ippolito, R. Petrucci, A. Mirandola, A. Vai, E. Mastella, S. Russo, G. Viselner, M. Ciocca, L. Preda, F. Valvo, R. Orecchia



> Abstract withdrawn

T. Chan, P.W. Tan, J.I.H. Tang (Singapore)


> The case selection for brachytherapy in cervical cancer patients after radical hysterectomy H. Xu (China), Y. Lai, Y. Jin > Squamous Cell Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) in the Pelvis:A case series & review of literature E. Connolly (Ireland), G. Rangaswamy, O. Boychek, C. Gillham, O. McArdle > Prognostic value of SCC-Antigen and SUVmax value in locally advanced cervix cancer S. Pedraza Fernández (Spain), P. Sarandeses, D. Lora, J.F. Pérez-Regadera > Endometrial cancer. Relapse free survival rates in our medium/ large hospital in the UK L. Price (United Kingdom), R. Allerton > Brachytherapy versus EBRT boost for cervical cancer: is the standard better? D. Delgado (Portugal), A. Figueiredo, J. Leitão Santos, A. Florindo, V. Mendonça, M. Lemos, M. Abdulrehman, M.F. De Pina > Role of PET/CT in assessing treatment response of cervical cancer after definitive RadioChemotherapy A. Tsikkinis (Switzerland), E. Vlaskou Badra, N. Cihoric, D. Aebersold, K. Lössl > Is locally advanced cervix adenocarcinoma less radiosensitive than squamous cell carcinoma? K. Vandecasteele (Belgium), E. De Jaeghere, P. Tummers, A. Makar, P. De Visschere, K. Van de Vijver, E. Naert, H. Denys > Multi-institutional treatment and management of cervical cancer patients A. Tsikkinis (Switzerland), N. Cihoric, E. Vlaskou Badra, D. Aebersold, K. Lössl









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