ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
Science slam: 1. Report back from ESTRO mobility grants clinical: SRS & SBRT in the management of oligometastatic disease I. Zumbadze (GE) 2. Report back from ESTRO mobility grants physics: Modelling Head and Neck Radiotherapy outcomes using radiomics biomarkers P. Kalendralis (NL) 3. Science slam: To breathe or not to breathe. ESTRO Mobility Grant report S. Prcic (SL) Symposium Stronger together - news and projects in the young national societies Chair: N. Ebert (DE) Co-chair: O. Kaidar-Person (IL) Perspective of an established young society: the Spanish Young Society V. Morillo (ES) An emerging young society: Young Romanian Radiotherapists and Oncolo-gists Group (YRROG) M. Zerbea (RO) Creating a new young radiation oncology society - the case of Poland M. Spalek (PL) Working together across borders: YROG C. Ostheimer (DE) Panel discussion - Speakers and session chairs
14:30-15:45 >
The Stage Quiz and Young networking cocktail Chair: L. Dubois (NL)
16:00 – 17:00 >
Programme and Exhibition Guide | PROGRAMME
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