ESTRO 38 - Programme Book & Exhibition Guide
Emmanuel van der Schueren Award
Núria Jornet Servei de Radiofísica i Radioprotecció, Hospital Sant Pau Barcelona, Spain
Born in Barcelona in 1968, Núria Jornet graduated in Physics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 1991. She received a grant from the Catalan Government to followaMasters inMedical Physics at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, and Paris IV. Back in Barcelona, she earned a permanent position at Sant Pau hospital as a clinical physicist in the Medical Physics Department. She simultaneously studied for a PhD on in vivo dosimetry with diodes for high energy x-ray beams. From the very start of her career Núria has been closely linked to ESTRO. She has been a long-term member of the Education Council of ESTRO. She is current chair of the Physics Committee and member of the Scientific Council. She has a strong commitment to teaching and is faculty member of the ESTRO school, and course director of the Quality management: Quality monitoring and Quality Improvement course. She has also taught on training courses organised by the IAEA. She was member and chair of several scientific committees for national and international scientific meetings
Although Núria works at a clinical department, she has strong links with research groups at the Physics University (UB), BarcelonaTech (UPC), and Biology University (UAB) with whom is shared different research projects and teaching courses. Projects focus on in vivo dosimetry, dose calculation in heterogeneities for high energy x-ray beams, skin dose calculation and measurement and biological dosimetry. Other work is on image biomarkers of cardiac toxicity after radiotherapy in breast cancer. She has authored 25 papers in peer-reviewed journals, around 150 communications in meetings and 10 funded research projects. She is associate editor of Physica Medica and phiRo and reviewer of several scientific journals.
ESTRO AWARDS | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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