ESTRO Annual Report 2018

Big data imaging


9-12 DECEMBER 2018

Sixth Annual UPMC International Symposium on Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy

14-15 DECEMBER, 2018 Rome, Italy

2.5 Meetings by invitation

Conference on Experimental Research in Radiation Oncology (CERRO) 13-20 January 2018 | LesMenuires, Trois Vallées, France

The 33rd CERRO conference, known popularly as the ‘ski meeting’, was held as per tradition in Les Menuires, Trois Vallées, France, in January. Participation is by invitation, and in this meeting there were 48 delegates from different disciplines in radiation oncology. Presentations on work in progress are the focus of the event, in order to stimulate discussions on innovative research. The meeting is also a platform for promoting collaboration and networking between members and for integrating young members into the Society.


Science Dissemination

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