ESTRO Articles of Association Internal rules of Procedure

7.3. Remuneration The Board of Directors decides whether the mandate of the members of the Councils will be remunerated. 7.4. Authority and competencies The authorities and competencies of the Councils shall be determined by the Board of Directors in line with the provisions of the Internal Rules of Procedure and the Articles of Association of ESTRO. 7.5. Convocation Meetings of the Councils are called by their respective chairperson. Decisions of the Councils are validly adopted by simple majority vote, provided the majority of the members are present. Each member has one vote. In the event of a tied vote, the chairperson of the Council shall have casting vote. 7.6. Minutes and reporting Each Council shall draft minutes of eachmeeting summarizing the deliberations and decisions taken. These minutes can upon request be circulated to the Board of Directors, and be consulted by the Full Members. a. Duties and authority of the Executive Council The Executive Council shall be in charge of the supervision on the implementation of the business plan and the daily management of ESTRO, shall ensure the follow-up on the implementation of the strategy and the budget. The Board of Directors may grant other powers to the Executive Council on an ad hoc or permanent basis, as appropriate. Composition The Executive Council is composed of the President (Chair), the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Treasurer, the Chief Executive Officer and can be supported by internal advisors and external advisors as the case may be. The President shall be the chairperson of the Executive Council. b. a. Duties and authority of the Scientific Council The Scientific Council shall be responsible for the implementation of the scientific engagement plan of ESTRO and for coordinating all its scientific activities, and for ensuring a consolidated reporting of the results in line with the scientific engagement plan. The Board of Directors may grant the Scientific Council with other powers as it estimates appropriate. Composition The Scientific Council is composed of the President (Chair), the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Editor-in-Chief, the management teammember in charge of the science programme, the chairperson of the relevant committees reporting to it and the relevant members of the Board of Directors. The President shall be the chairperson of the Scientific Council. b. a. Duties and authority of the Stakeholders Council The Stakeholders Council shall be responsible for membership strategy, for the implementation of the advocacy and stakeholder’s plans, and for relations with all other ESTRO stakeholders. The Board of Directors may grant the Stakeholders Council with other powers as it estimates appropriate. Composition The Stakeholders Council is composed of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President (Chair), the Membership Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, the chairperson of the relevant committees reporting to it, the relevant members of the Board of Directors, and themanagement teammember in charge of the stakeholders programme. The Past-President shall be the chairperson of the Stakeholders Council. b. 7.7. Executive Council 7.8. Scientific Council 7.9. Stakeholders Council


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